Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Jeans and Genes

Day 89
It is in my genetic code to be tall. My mom is 5'9'' and my Dad is 6'5''. I am 5'11''. That has always been a problem in the clothing department. When I find a pair of jeans that fit and are long enough, I treat them with the utmost respect. I have maintained a pair of jeans that I've had since high school and recently found an unpatchable hole in the back pocket (and not the so-called fashionable kind of hole). Another pair of oldies-but-goodies, would have lasted longer, but I tripped and ripped the knee clean out of the right leg. Every other pair I own are either too big, too short, or so small that I suddenly have the "muffin-top" phenomenon going on. It was my goal today to find a pair of jeans. No- the pair of jeans. It is no exaggeration when I say that I tried on 23 pairs of jeans. Yes, I counted...mostly to prove a point to my husband. You're probably thinking I'm just overly critical of myself, and that's probably a little true, but I really do have the WORST time finding pants that look acceptable. I would rather shop for bathing suits than pants. But the last store I walked into, the Buckle, welcomed me with open arms. I was suddenly surrounded by walls dripping with extra long (36''inseam!) jeans. They had every color and style imaginable-and they all came in extra long. And if you haven't already guessed-I found the jeans. They do all the right things for me in all the right places. Angels sang. The only inappropriate thing about them is the price. I have always been secretly judgemental of people who spend exorbitant amounts of money on such worthless items-but today I learned, in a very literal sense, that the value of something is so completely relative. And I am repentant for the judgement I've passed in the past. If you're wondering, I didn't buy the jeans yet. I plan on making a date out of it on Friday. Maybe I'll even treat them to dinner and dancing.



  1. Hmmm...for some reason I've never struggled to find pants long enough. I do have a hard time finding them that fit both my waist and my hips/butt, cause apparently one is not proportionate to the other according to jean makers. Last time I found "the jeans" I bought 3 pair-thankfully on sale. The perfect fitting jeans or super comfy shoes are an investment, so go for it.

  2. I can totally relate to you. I can never find jeans that are long enough for me either. I also make fun of people that spend so much money on clothes. I usually won't buy any clothing for myself unless it is under $20!!! That being said you should TOTALLY buy those jeans now matter what they cost. If you take what they cost and divide it by how many years you are going to have them it is totally worth it!!! Now if I could only take my own advise.
